The ADHD Entrepreneur's Procrastination Pivot

Your brain is your best asset - but also your biggest barrier right now.

Here's how you can overcome procrastination and go from stuck to unstoppable.

You're 6x more likely to become an entrepreneur if you have an ADHD - or busy - brain. 

So why does ADHD so often get in your way when you have work to do?

You've got an endless to-do list but you never get started;

You're watching the clock tick but you don't know which task to do first.

You've tried using deadlines and pressure to get on top of work but are feeling worse.

You're frustrated at your distractibility - but what you've got to do switches your brain off.

ADHD Brains: fantastic at some things, terrible at others!

You might be someone who can immediately spot how to improve a product, identify a new market, have great insight into how to build a new business...

But then your ADHD brain stops when it comes to the planning, the organising, the deadlines, the project management, the repetitive tasks, the ACTUALLY STARTING work in the morning...

That's something called your 'Executive Functions' and they're what really defines ADHD. 

Executive functions have nothing to do with briefcases or wearing suits!

They are how our brains connect and communicate. They control how we interact with the world around us and the jobs that we have to do.

What many people don't realise is that until we know how to build 'scaffolding' for your Executive Functions, you'll just keep repeating the same problems. It's why the planners, the apps, the new smart watch... don't fix the problem.

But YOU can learn how to help YOUR brain - and become unstoppable.

I created this for YOU - and past me.

ADHD Coach Katherine: serial entrepreneur & expert procrastinator

I spent my life feeling really confused: if I was so smart, why were 'normal' things so difficult? Why did basic business things - finishing emails, completing quotes, sending invoices, defeat me?

When I grew up in the 1970s nobody had heard of ADHD. I was finally diagnosed in my 40s and I began to look for information and support. There really wasn't much around in Scotland, so the procrastination pattern continued until I discovered ADHD Coaching in the USA.
From that moment, my ability to work, to get things done, to be persistent (and consistent) all began to change. I loved it so much that I retrained as an ADHD Coach with the top USA academy & became an Advanced & Family Certified ADHD Coach with over 350+ hours of training and even more client hours, working with amazing people who were stuck too.

"I can't believe the difference this has made to how easily I get out of procrastination mode."

CEO / Founder

"You made it so much easier to understand what was happening in my brain - I don't feel so ashamed."


"If I had known about this years ago things would have been so much easier! I'm really glad I've learned about it now."


"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

Get your ADHD Entrepreneur's Procrastination Pivot: go from stuck to unstoppable today

You know you're smart enough to succeed - isn't it time you finally got the key to unlock that door to your brain that's keeping you stuck?

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70 page in depth guide to getting out of procrastination and overwhelm

Step by step instructions for the CLEAR method

Simple TL/DR prompt for daily reminders when you need them

Inside knowledge on what to do if you're spinning out at any stage

My secret 'Bucket' plan to overcome even the most complicated brain dump downloads.

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